Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Either Weigh...


Why do so many people struggle with their weight and wellness?
I believe there are several answers to that question, and I'll cover a few of them today.

I believe it is not because of a lack of information; it is a lack of motivation, self discipline and understanding. You need a total physical wellness system that helps you get active, eat smart, and stay accountable…and it has to be convenient and affordable.  However, that being said, sometimes hard work and discipline isn't always convenient.  It is a sacrifice- but anything worth achieving should be gained with a little bit of sacrifice to make the success all that sweeter!
We all need structure and a realistic plan of action if we are to break old habits and create new ones.
Some of us also need a little extra help by using scientific, healthy products to support our dedication and lifestyle.  Along with structure and a plan, I believe that true wellness can only be achieved if one has made the decision, and set their mind that they are going to pursue it.

Author, and noted speaker Andy Andrews speaks of Seven Decisions that I believe should be studied by everyone, and taken to heart as part of a realistic plan for success not only in weight loss and in achieving total wellness, but as it pertains to life in general.  For information on those seven decisions, I challenge you to visit Andy's website at www.andyandrews.com  Look for the Seven Decisions pdf under 'downloads' and 'printed resources'.  Those seven decisions will be a catalyst for change when you implement them into your life, and you will be glad you were exposed to them.  I'm living proof!

Let's  discuss some of the problems identified with why people struggle to lose weight and achieve wellness, and what some of the solutions are.  Technically, taking the Seven Decisions to heart would be one solution to achieving personal and physical wellness in your life, but let's go ahead and dig a little deeper.

Problem: Our system gets overloaded with toxins daily.
The obvious toxins are usually avoidable: alcohol, smoking, caffeine, high fat diet.
The hidden toxins are much more difficult to avoid. They would include: stress, fast food, fried food, preservatives, pollution, diet soda, sweeteners, trans fat, pesticides, medications, antibiotics, hormones, non-organic fruits and vegetables.
My solution is a specific product designed to naturally detoxify your body, daily. It will strip, sweep & flush toxins! It also allows for better absorption of nutrients from food and supplements. A nice side effect is it discards fatty lipids for heart health.

 Problem: We are a carbohydrate society and do not get enough quality protein in our daily diets.
After the age of 35 our bodies will lose 1% of muscle mass every year. It gets worse as we age. So by the age of 55, you may lose nearly 20% of your muscle tone, definition and strength.
Protein is made up of amino acids and is an important component of every cell in your body.
Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues.
Protein is a building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. You have over 650 muscles and nearly half of your body weight.
Most protein powders on the market only contain one source of protein, which limits absorption.
My solution is a specific product that contains four types of quality protein in a powder you make into shakes. They taste delicious! I suggest supplementing meals with protein and have a shake immediately after your workout.  
Yes, you're actually expected to move your body at least 3 times per week for at least 20 minutes. 

Problem: As we age, our metabolism changes and slows down. We also need energy to get through
our workouts! Adenosine in our body can hinder our ability to use the stored fat in our body for energy.
Adenosine serves as a regulator in our body and protects it from wasting energy. It promotes fatigue, so it conserves our body’s energy. For those that want to reduce the fat in our bodies, this works against us.
My solution is a patented energy bar that blocks adenosine in our body so it allows us to use our fat storage for energy! This bar costs a little over a dollar and tastes like a candy bar. It will help boost your energy levels, minimize fatigue, and reduce lactic acid build up. This means it decreases muscle soreness and increases muscle fiber recruitment for a more efficient workout.  There are even several Olympic athletes and medalists that use the solutions that I've shared, with amazing results!
Now don't those sound like secret weapons everyone would like to have?  I'd love to show you how you can add these products to your arsenal to begin helping you become healthier on purpose.  Contact me at yourwellnessdivas@gmail.com  to gather more information and become further educated, I am here to help you succeed.  

I personally utilize the solutions discussed in this post, and since doing so, I've lost 15 pounds in just under 7 weeks.   Becoming healthier on purpose is a decision- and dedication and steadfast resolve is key.  So, what are you waiting for?  Don't be the obstacle to achieving total wellness for yourself and your family!   

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